The Train Bridge
Do you have a place where you can go when life seems crazy and you just need a moment of solace and peace? A place where the world...

Be Kind to Yourself
The other night at work I had a lovely encounter with a lady, whilst she was waiting for the elevator that I had just called for her. I...

Under the Weight of it All
This topic has been on my mind for a while, and I have many thoughts that I would like to share. I’ve actually had two false starts to...

To Act or Not To Act?
I have a very strange relationship with a certain older man that is in my life. Whenever we talk with each other, I leave the...

Singing From the Mind
Louis Quilico was a Canadian baritone who passed away too early at the age of 75. He approached music, interestingly, by remaining...

Nuts and Bolts
This may be a bit boring for some of you, but some people have expressed interest in how I prepare my score for a role. Everyone does...

Let's Start at the Very Beginning
I want to start by stating the obvious. This blog is about my triumphs, struggles, thoughts and wishes as an aspiring opera singer. The...